Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Watch A Little Bit of Heaven Movie Trailer Fee Cast Crew Preview

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What's immediately clear is how Marley (Hudson) uses humour as a barrier to intimacy. She indulges in casual sex and makes light of it, but takes her work as an ad exec very seriously. This peculiarity keeps us (as well as her lovers) at a distance. Hudson is forced to deploy the pearly whites and twinkling eyes to beg forgiveness for her character's cool dismissal of a besotted boyfriend. Then, at the point when her aloofness begins to grate, she is diagnosed with cancer. She makes light of that too, but in such a show-off way that it's doubly upsetting for friends and family. Her scenes with Kathy Bates (achingly sincere as mum) are especially difficult to watch.Of course Marley is devastated beneath that brittle exterior. Thankfully, Hudson gives us glimpses of that vulnerability and it rises gradually to the surface as she becomes involved with her handsome doctor Julian. He's a bashful sort, as played by Gael Garcia Bernal, but to the extent that he comes across as rather spineless at times. The chemistry between them is tepid and the banter, quite lacklustre. The filmmakers try to make a virtue of this, putting a smile on Marley's face with his awful attempts at cracking a joke. It's meant to be charming but it's cringe-worthy.

Other awkward moments include Marley's dialogue with God, who comes in the shape of Whoopi Goldberg, sitting on a cloud. Apart from the strange contrast of hard reality and fluffy escapism, these scenes add little. They're intended to give the story structure as God grants Marley three wishes - noting her inability to come up with a third wish, because she doesn't really know what she wants in life. But that much is clear without Whoopi floating in the ether to drive the point home. All the while, Marley's body is weakening and her will to defy Julian becomes stronger.
It's never too difficult to see where all this is headed. The emotional breakthroughs are clearly signposted, as if you can feel the filmmaker's hand while she slowly winds our heartstrings around her little finger. Young director Nicole Kassell rattled cages with her 2004 directorial debut The Woodsman (starring Kevin Bacon as an ex-con paedophile) yet she seems to have gone completely the other way here when it comes to handling audience expectations. This time she feeds us with a spoon that drips with saccharine to help the medicine go down. Instead, it leaves a bitter taste, especially the final scenes which gloss over the reality of grief, because apparently, we're not grown up enough to take it. In this case, heaven is a smokescreen.

Director:Nicole Kassell
Writer:Gren Wells
Release dates:5 May 2011
Cast,Kate Hudson,Peter Dinklage,Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal

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